Click to enlargeLore for the Store
Come sit with me
and you shall see
the Newsom's Legacy
People make history
But history definitely
makes people
who we are today

In 1449, instead of our family name of "Newsom," we were the "Newsham" family living in Newsham Hall in England. By 1642, the first Newsom had landed on the coast of Jamestown -- his name being William Newsom. It's very striking that my father's name (second generation owner of Newsom's and extensive developer of the commercial Newsom's ham business) was also named William Newsom. The Newsoms spread the coast between Virginia and North Carolina, some moving somewhat inward. By the late 1700s, they migrated to Kentucky to the county we now live in, having been given a Revolutionary Land Grant for military service performed. Our family historian called the Newsoms "fearless pioneers!" by the 1700s.

NOW!! Let's lay the ground work for visiting our existing Newsom's Old Mill Store.

...Our original retail store was the "H.C. Newsom Store." See Hosea Newsom at his store below.

...By age 18, my father had taken on the store. See below for Col. Bill's Store for over 50 years.

Oct. 4, 1987, became the date that I took over running the business. Dad, Bill, was 73 — nearly 74, and he was tired. He had served the public — as a public servant since age 8, as times were hard back then. When you were old enough to help — you worked.

Each generation has its own concepts about business — even family businesses. We take what foundation was laid for us — our legacy we inherited and move on. We take our history — what made us who we are today, the bits and pieces of abilities, personalities, determinations, etc. we inherited from those before us and reinvent the wheel. . .all but slowly though for as it is quoted, “There is a time and a place for everything.”

I Colonel Nancy Newsom Mahaffey had begun to realize that the curing methods of Newsom’s Hams were a method of the past — that they could become, in the midst of the factory cured ham shuffle, a “most wanted” item. What better way to allow a retail store to evolve but to have the days of old and simplicity that were there — old ways of doing business — merge into today’s world of “Let’s hurry you up and out” of the store. Which does the customer prefer today? I say — attention and service! Quality in my hams — not how much better by “bigger” we are.

That led to my introduction of quote “gourmet and country” products, jams, jellies, etc., with my legacy of ham curing and retail sales of Colonel Bill Newsom's Hams. Together they make a good fit and they are not made for sale in a hurry either!

I hope you are more than ready to enter my humble Newsom's Old Mill Store which I began to develop in 1987. I felt it necessary to give a bit of my blessings I received of a rich history of family, public service. . .to lay the foundation of our business. As I said before, “People make history, but history makes us who we are today.” I guess that's why I am now called “The Ham Lady.”

Welcome to Newsom's Old Mill Store, the home for retail sales, locally and nationally, of Colonel Bill Newsom's Aged Ham. It's the only store you can purchase our hams from as we intend to remain the only “hands on” sales rep that you will talk to in this matter.

Our personal service can extend nationally as well as locally, we're handling our own product and legacy of good service to you.

. . .This section of our website is a work in progress as so are we all.

The H.C. Newsom Store
The H.C. Newsom Store

Col. Bill's Store for Over 50 Years
Col. Bill's Store for Over 50 Years

How Preacher Ham Got Its Name
How Preacher Ham Got Its Name

Our Customer
Our Customer

Another Chapter
Another Chapter

Nancy's Notes
Nancy's Notes